First in-person InterLynk General Assembly

First in-person InterLynk General Assembly

After months of virtual meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the InterLynk partners kicked off the new year with a highly anticipated in-person gathering. Attendees from each partner institution were able to meet face-to-face (with online participation also available) to discuss the progress of their ongoing work across different work-packages. As the project reaches its halfway point, the partners reviewed their accomplished tasks and identified next steps and milestones for the upcoming period. A detailed InterLynk leaflet was also unveiled and will soon be made available to the public.

The University of Aveiro, serving as the Project Coordinator, graciously hosted the meeting at the heart of the University of Aveiro campus. InterLynk members were thrilled to finally meet in person and engage in not on

ly formal meetings but also informal moments providing an unique opportunity for partners to exchange ideas and plans, something that can be challenging to replicate online.